Characteristics of the changes in marine heatwaves events under global warming


Recommended citation: 夏子涵,何永利,季飞,等. 全球变暖背景下海洋热浪事件的变化特征分析[J]. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版),2022,58(04):560-568.


An event-based detection algorithm is used to identify the marine heatwaves (MHWs) during 1979-2018 using the ERA-Interim dataset from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts and explore the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of MHWs. The results showed that the event-based detection algorithm was more effective by removing much of the noise in small areas. The number of detected MHWs was 6287, and the average area in a single event was 2.17×10^6 km^2 . The frequency of MHWs showed a significant increasing trend with 27.35 events/10 a; the duration, annual total area and averaged area of single event increased slightly with 0.22 d/10 a, 1.07×10^8 km^2 /a, and 1.94× 10^5 km^2 /a respectively. While the intensity of MHWs did not show a significant trend under global warming. The largest average annual total area, single event area and frequency of MHWs occurred in the Pacific Ocean, but the largest increase was observed in the Indian Ocean, followed by the Atlantic Ocean. The frequency and total area of MHWs was high in spring and autumn, but the greatest increase was observed in summer.

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